Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Baby Care: Bathing your Baby, Every Parent Should Know!

New parents face many problems

and issues that they are expected to understand

and deal with immediately.

Unfortunately, newborns do not come

with an instruction book

so here is a topic

that you may need to know about.

Bathing your baby:

Until your baby’s umbilical cord

falls off

one to two weeks

after their birth, only give her sponge baths.

A cotton ball or cotton swab dampened with alcohol

can help to dry the umbilical stump

or follow your pediatrician’s directions.

After the stump falls off,

you can give him a bath

in a sink

or shallow tub.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Baby Care: Circumcision, Every Parent Should Know!

Baby Care: Circumcision,

Every Parent Should Know!

New parents face many problems

and issues that they are expected to understand

and deal with immediately.

Unfortunately, newborns do not come

with an instruction book

so here is a topic

that you may need to know about.


Many doctors agree

that there may be some benefit

to circumcision,

but it may not be absolutely necessary.

It may help to lower the risk of urinary tract infections

and eliminates just about any chance of penile cancer.


does not cause long-term emotional problems

for your child.

Coconut Milk Consumption Can Help Reduce Levels Of Harmful Low-density Lipoproteins

Consumption can help

reduce levels of harmful low density lipoproteins

(bad cholesterol)

that are associated with

cardiovascular diseases.

It contains few calories,

but most of them

are from fat.

It also contains no protein,

and nutritional values are reduced

if stored for

over 2 months.

Turmeric Contains Bioactive Compounds With Powerful Medicinal Properties

Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow color. It has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb...